Sunday, June 3, 2012


I'm lacking on updates!  Whoops. . .hopefully this'll be a lengthy post to compensate.  First off, I want to welcome back two of my close girlfriends, Sabrina and Heather, who arrived safely from their journey out in Austraila and Ireland!  I can't wait to hear about all your adventures and stories from abroad!  In the mean time, best of luck as you overcome any jet-lag ;).

I can't believe June is already here.  One month of summer has flown right on by.  T'was definitely a good month.  I've been able to rekindle my relationship with running and get ten miles of running each week in May.  On Fridays, I've redirected my attention to bouldering!  I've missed climbing so much. . .and it's comforting to know that my body can slowly remember all the techniques of bouldering from a few years ago.  A little upsetting to go form a V4 to a V1, but I'm hoping I'll be able to hit a v4 once summer comes to a close.

Looking for some blogspiration?  I've fallen in love with the blog:  line x shape x colour.  The photographs are so full of life and vibrant with color.  She's definitely a travel-bug and you can live through her pictures. . .(and be slightly jealous of the stunning sites and places she has the opportunity to visit).

^ She makes me want to take pictures of everywhere I go.  Even if it is just my backyard ;).  I WILL be taking more photos this summer using my Canon.  Stay tuned.  In the mean time, enjoy your summer and best of luck to those approaching Finals week and congrats to graduates of 2012!

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