Saturday, April 28, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

Time is on your side.

Next week, I will gladly welcome finals week.  No sarcasm noted!  I have one nursing exam and a response paper for my aging & society class.  Nothing too hectic.  If anything, I'm not looking forward to the 'packing everything up and attempting to fit everything in two suitcases' segment.  However, being able to go home in one more week will give me enough motivation to get my dorm room as empty as it was prior to moving in.  In my previous post, I included a little invitation I made for Randy's graduation.  I cannot begin to explain how excited and proud I am of him to complete this milestone.  He has worked incredibly hard to continue with school despite complications in the past.  The transition (for both of us) from home sweet home to Tennessee's new way of living was quite an adjustment, but with optimism, belief in God's plan, and and the company of growing friends- it went from bearable to. . .well, enjoyable.

Congrats, darling.  We'll all be yelling our lungs out for you on your big day.  



Super proud of you, bby.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Beams of gold and blue
Traces of silver lining
 Planted on my own.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sweet tooth




Journaling and chocolate on my Saturday night.  The itty-bitty pieces have an outline of a heart!  I didn't realize that until I was on my last piece.  Looks like I'll have to go buy another ;).  No but seriously, this is the best chocolate I have ever had.  


(Photo taken at Stone Fort Bouldering)

NEW blog! Post numero uno.  I'm not really sure why I have a tendency to create a new blog after a year or so, but . . .here's another!  let's hope that I follow through this time.  The school year is winding down and I can't believe at how quickly these two semester have flown right on by.  The only burden lying on my shoulders is whether or not I'll be home in May.  Glendale will be calling those qualified for the summer internship by next week, and if all goes well, I'll be working for their hospital without having to stay here to complete my practicum.  However, if things don't go as planned, I've been asking God to give me acceptance and understanding.  Two things I can't seem to have on my own during times of disappointment.  In the mean time, I'll keep all of you posted :)  A girls night and baked goods are waiting for me this evening.  Looking forward for some QT time with friends without having a nursing textbook in front of us.

Yesterday, I spent a good amount of time finding some new tunes.  There's always a "feel good" about updating my music library . . .especially when it's long overdue.  Here's a list (click on title of song for Youtube link) of some tunes you might like ;).

*Selah Sue - Mommy
(I definitely think of my own mother when listening to this song.  I miss you ma.)
*Nneka - Heartbeat
*James Vincent McMorrow - Higher Love
*Ben Howard - Only Love